-English version below-
Mit dem Hellfire Quick5 Interview versuchen wir für unsere Leser möglichst interessante Infos aus den Musikern rauszukitzeln, ohne dass sie sich seitenlangen Fragen/Antworten hingeben müssen. Wir vom Hellfire bemühen uns dabei, (mehr oder weniger) kurz und prägnant im Rahmen von 5 Fragen zu agieren (manchmal kann eine Frage auch gedoppelt oder getrippelt sein); den Musikern obliegt es, nach ihrem Gutdünken zu antworten: kurz und knapp bis hin zu ausschweifend und umfangreich.
Diesmal sprachen wir mit den Jungs von Leading Light, die in Kürze eine neue Single veröffentlichen werden.
HF: Lasst uns zu Anfang kurz nostalgisch werden Leading Light wurde 2012 gegründet. Wie kam es dazu und habt ihr alle einen ähnlichen musikalischen Hintergrund und habt vorher schon in anderen Bands gespielt?
HF: Wenn ihr drei Songs aus eurem Portfolio auswählen müsstet, die unseren Lesern einen guten Eindruck von euch als Band und eurer Entwicklung vermitteln, welche wären das und warum?
Today we talk to Leading Light from Sweden who are about to release new music soon.
HF: Let’s start with a short trip down memory lane Leading Light was founded in 2012. How did this happen and did all of you come from a similar musical background and have you played in other bands before?
LL: We all played in a band called Inception To Embrace. We signed a record deal that turned out to be really bad and to get out of that deal, we formed Leading Light as a new band, to get our music out the way we wanted. Inception To Embrace was formed in 2008, so we have played with each other for a really long time.
HF: Comparing Leading Light in 2012 with Leading Light nowadays: what are the significant differences and what stayed very much the same over time?
LL: We’ve had some member changes and have incorporated more electronics and started experimenting more with vocals. Other than that, we try to keep our sound as much as possible. Combining really brutal stuff with melodic passages.
HF: If you had to choose three songs from your portfolio that could give our readers a good impression of the band and its developement, which ones would it be and why?
LL: „Land Of The Damned“, from the „Hymn Of The Pearl“ EP. „Culture Under Compulsion“, from the „Protect The Sinne“r Album. „Burn Me“, from our latest album „Shards Of Broken Reflection“. All of those songs really show the progression in our sound and those are the songs we always have to put in our setlist.
HF: 8 years of band history add up to a lot of memorable moments I suppose. What are your favourite Leading Light-moments so far? Do you still remember your first show you played with the band?
LL: Playing the Sweden Rock Festival was a big one. Sharing the bill with bands like In Flames and The Haunted was insane and a big milestone in our career. I think our first show was in our hometown, opening for Rosvo (Peter Dolving, ex The Haunted). I don’t really recall how the show was tho.
HF: Your latest album „Shards Of Broken Reflection“ is turning 2 this year and I know you have been recording at least one new song. But will there be more soon? What are your plans when it comes to releases?
LL: We recorded a single in the legendary studio Fredman with Rob Kukla that will be released in May. We didn’t record any more material during that session, so it’s a stand alone. But we will release more singles this year.
HF: Thank you so much for the interview. We wish you all the best for the future and are looking forward to what we’ll hear next from you.