- Bandname: OXOMOCO
- Genre: Post.Psychedelic Rock
- Bandmitglieder und Funktion: Laurenz Mösbauer, Gitarre // Ulrich Retzow, Drums // Emanuel Pfitzner, E-Bass // diverse Gäste auf dem Album
- Heimatstadt: München/Hamburg/Oxford
- Website: Oxomoco.band
- Facebook-Seite: www.facebook.com/Oxomoco.Band
- Youtube-Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF3kx-8TuH5LaaOr4WqS1AA
- Instagram-Channel: https://www.instagram.com/oxomoco.band/
- Eure E-Mail-Adresse: Oxomoco.music@gmail.com
Oxomoco – we – are a brandnew band. Dedicated ourselves to the creation of sounds and vibrations we love. Set to our own musical exploration.
It´s something like a year ago when we got together to start something new that would do our musical and artistic imagination justice. Something out of the box that renders homage to the Muses themselves. Something that withstands our demand and the qualities of the good old days of „rock„ music. Something that can make your mind travel.
And so we did. Now, in the beginning of 2021 we started releasing our first album. And would be delighted to perform live for you sometime,
someplace soon. We are happy to have many talented friends on board for our undertaking.
Oxomoco was recorded by ourselves with Alexander Khromov / Sonic Boom Studios, mixed by Kurt Balou / God City Studios, features Max Freigeist (Vox), Murphy Montana on harp, Norman van Haven on a special vocal track and the infamous choir of Doom.
Oxomoco is Laurenz Mösbauer (guitars), Ulrich Retzow (drums) and Emanuel Pfitzner (bass & clarinet).
Since they were merely young lads hanging out in obscure bars, rocking out at underground concerts, Laurenz and Ulrich also played together already in Munich´s „vivid„ music scene, rehearsing in basement storage rooms that smelled of sweat and old beer. Also bong water. Punk, Grunge and Metal being on the menu. But at the same time highly influenced by music of their Dad´s epoch. Progressive and psychedelic sounds of the 60ies and 70ies that is. (Thanks Dads!)
A new chapter started when one decided to explore something untested. To study music far from home. Yet not cutting the bond of friendship. This chapter also led to Ulrich and Emanuel founding a new band, playing together for more than a decade now.
It´s something like a year ago, when we would meet in Berlin with an idea in mind. To jam, to play, to plant the seed that has become Oxomoco. And here we are today. Happy that everything makes sense now. Three guys in for a novel exploration. Three guys connecting the dots. Three guys pursuing a new musical and artistic adventure.
The age of the first sun has begun.